Digital Engineering Technology & Innovation (DETI) is a research, skills and innovation initiative to develop and accelerate digital engineering across multiple sectors from across the West of England.

The project, a strategic programme of the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) drives innovation and progress in engineering through the use of digital technology and data analysis. The initiative helps companies to use enhanced digital technology to recover and grow, playing an important role in economic recovery in the West of England.

DETI is funded by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA), delivered by the National Composites Centre (NCC) in partnership with the Centre for Modelling & Simulation (CFMS), Digital Catapult, the University of the West of England (UWE), University of Bristol and the University of Bath.

As a part of this initiative, CFMS has played an important role in creating the necessary infrastructure to capture, analyse and communicate data from industry challenges. This involves using various tools and technologies to collect and process data from different sources, and providing insights and recommendations to help engineering companies make informed decisions and improve their operations.


The development of satellites using conventional design methods requires physical prototypes and several design iterations, therefore leading to a lengthy process that requires significant resources and funding. As a part of DETI the KISPE project, in collaboration with KISPE Space, solves this issue.


The Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) UK-first project, in collaboration with BT and Toshiba Europe Limited, saw the UK’s first industrial deployment of a quantum-secure network transmitting between CFMS’ on-site data centre and the NCC.

Digital Thread

The digital thread enables the power of collaboration. In its simplest form, it’s about connecting machines, data, processes and people across a whole business or supply chain. As a part of DETI, CFMS provides a definition of the digital thread and utilising it.

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